Julia McLeod
- Supersonic Silk Quilter
- Talented Thrifter
- Sewing Maven
Julia McLeod has been teaching online since the start of Spring 2020. What a silver lining she discovered when she took to Zoom to teach her workshops! She enjoys teaching all kinds of quilters in all kinds of time zones. As a skilled and swift thrifter, you can count on Julia to root out gorgeous fabrics at thrift shops and estate sales. With a background in textile design, she is skilled in creating color palettes around unique materials. Her sewing skills allow her to wrangle even the most difficult fabrics (silk, cotton, wool — you name it!) and incorporate them into her quilts. Learning from her extensive teaching experience, she understands that people learn in different ways. Just as you're not likely to see her work with the same thrifted unique fabric twice, she's one to accommodate all sorts of learning styles by presenting information in varied ways.